Dry Eye Therapy
Dry eye syndrome is a condition in which the meibomian glands become clogged which increases the rate tears evaporate from the surface of the eyes.
Without proper treatment, dry eye syndrome can affect activities of daily living and quality of life.
Symptoms of Dry Eye Disease
- Dry, itchy eyes
- Burning or stinging
- Irritation
- Watery eyes
- Blurred vision
- Pain
- Foreign body sensation
Causes of Dry Eye Disease
- dry environment
- too much screen time
- smoking
- makeup around the eyes
- aging
- vitamin deficiency
- medications
Diagnosis of Dry Eye Disease
1. Tear lab which computes tear osmolarity to identify the rate of evaporation of the tears from the surface of the eyes
2. Meibography which takes a picture of the meibomian glands to see if the glands are functioning properly to create oils for the surface of the eye
Treatment for Dry Eyes
When drops aren't working, consider the following:
1. Tempsure- a radiofrequency treatment that will heat the meibomian gland and help with oil production to keep the surfaces of the eyes lubricated and allow tears to stay on the surface of the eyes. The RF technology also stimulates collagen production to smooth and eliminate wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes.
2. Optilight- a IPL treatment that is FDA approved for the treatment of dry eyes. IPL uses light energy to unclog glands and restore tear production. IPL targets the capillaries in order to prevent future build of inflammatory cells involved in dry eye while eliminating unwanted redness on the face.
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